Bruno Henrique Dourado Macedo
CNPq Scientific Initiation Scholarship

Pursuing a bachelor's degree in Physics Engineering at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), I have steered my academic journey towards exploring interdisciplinary subjects and acquiring a wide range of skills.My quest for knowledge spans diverse areas. I participated in the course "Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach" at the University of Washington, USA, and completed the course "Introduction to Computer Science with Python Part 1" at the Institute of Advanced Studies - USP, Brazil. Additionally, I possess skills in languages like C, PHP, and Java, and actively participated in web development projects.My passion for research is evident in projects like "Exoplanet Identification using Machine Learning Techniques" and "Automatic Exoplanet Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms." My commitment to applying advanced analytical methods in space exploration and seeking new knowledge is unwavering.Furthermore, I had the privilege of serving as a teaching assistant in the subjects "Calculus 1" and "Financial Mathematics" in the semester of 2020.1, and in the "Basic Mathematics Teaching Project" in the semester of 2020.2, sharing my knowledge and supporting my fellow students. In the semester of 2023.1, I am also providing teaching assistance in General Physics for Biology.I highlight the achievement of winning the Best Extension Project award from CREA-PR in 2023, for the project "Electrochemistry is Within Your Reach," developed in collaboration with Renata Olmedo Benedet. I also received an honorable mention in 2022, both in this project and in my Scientific Initiation, where I dedicated myself to Machine Learning research for exoplanet detection using NASA data.Currently, my dedication is focused on relevant projects. I am a member of the research group "Data Mining in Time Series" at UNILA, and I participate in projects such as "Influence of Wavelength during Photochemical Synthesis on the Morphology and Physical Properties of Silver Nanoparticles," "Exoplanet Identification using Machine Learning Techniques," and "Automatic Processing of Light Curves for Exoplanet Identification."Committed to expanding horizons and making significant contributions to science and technology, I continue my journey with enthusiasm, seeking to face challenges and apply my knowledge in an impactful manner. Additionally, I served as the president of the Academic Center of Physics Engineering (CAENFIS) in the years 2022-2023, and I was vice-president in the years 2021-2022.
(Text informed by the author)

Last updated 11/15/2023
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Personal Information
NameBruno Henrique Dourado Macedo
Professional AddressUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, INSTITUTO LATINO-AMERICANO DE CIÊNCIAS DA VIDA E DA NATUREZA.
AC Parque Tecnológico Itaipu
Conjunto B
85867970 - Foz do Iguaçu, PR - Brasil
Phone: (45) 998369843
Website URL:

Formal Education/Degree
2020Graduation in progress in Engenharia Física .
Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, UNILA, Brasil.
2014 incomplete Graduation discontinued in 2016 in Ciências da Computação .
Year of interruption: 2016
2012 incomplete Graduation discontinued in 2014 in Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas .
Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, FMU, Brasil.
Year of interruption: 2014

Complementary Education
2022 - 2023 Continuing education in Centro Acadêmico de Engenharia Física (CAENFIS). (Credit hours: 30h).
Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, UNILA, Brasil.
2022 - 2023Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach. (Credit Hours: 18h).
University of Washington, WASHINGTON, Estados Unidos.
2021 - 2022 Continuing education in Centro Acadêmico de Engenharia Física (CAENFIS). (Credit hours: 30h).
Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, UNILA, Brasil.
2021 - 2022Introdução à Ciência da Computação com Python Parte 1. (Credit Hours: 42h).
Instituto de Estudos Avançados - USP, IEA-USP, Brasil.
2020 - 2020Aprenda Linguagem C - Fundamentos Para Lógica de Programação. (Credit Hours: 2h).
Udemy, UDEMY, Estados Unidos.
2020 - 2020Curso Completo de PHP 7. (Credit Hours: 33h).
Udemy, UDEMY, Estados Unidos.
2020 - 2020Aprenda a programar em Java do zero. (Credit Hours: 3h).
Udemy, UDEMY, Estados Unidos.
2019 - 2020Curso Desenvolvedor Web Completo + 10 de projetos.. (Credit Hours: 47h).
Udemy, UDEMY, Estados Unidos.
2018 - 2019R Basics - R Programming Language Introduction. (Credit Hours: 4h).
Udemy, UDEMY, Estados Unidos.
2018 - 2019Algèbre Linéaire (Partie 1). (Credit Hours: 128h).
edX, EDX, Estados Unidos.
2017 - 2017Cálculo - Limites. (Credit Hours: 3h).
Udemy, UDEMY, Estados Unidos.
2012 - 2014Computação Gráfica. (Credit Hours: 384h).
School of Art, Game and Animation, SAGA, Brasil.
2012 - 2014Administração. (Credit Hours: 384h).
instituto Profissionalizante Paulista, IPP, Brasil.
2010 - 2010Técnico em Informática. (Credit Hours: 192h).
MDY - CLC Informatica, MDY - CLC, Brasil.

Professional Experience
Supermercados Atacadão, ATACADÃO, Brasil.
2018 - 2019 Type of contract: Atendente de Loja, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 44
Drogaria São Paulo, GRUPO DPSP, Brasil.
2013 - 2013 Type of contract: Atendente de Loja, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 44
Fundação Oswaldo Ramos, FOR, Brasil.
2012 - 2013 Type of contract: Jovem Aprendiz, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 24
Hospital São Camilo - Pompéia, HSC/Pompéia, Brasil.
2015 - 2016 Type of contract: Mensageiro Hospitalar, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 48
2014 - 2015 Type of contract: Auxiliar Administrativo, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 48
Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, UNILA, Brasil.
2022 - 2023 Type of contract: Bolsista, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 20
2021 - 2022 Type of contract: Bolsista, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 20
2021 - 2022 Type of contract: Bolsista, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 20
2020 - 2021 Type of contract: Bolsista, Functional Placement: , Credit Hours: 20
2023 - 2023Project participation activities, INSTITUTO LATINO-AMERICANO DE CIÊNCIAS DA VIDA E DA NATUREZA, .
Research Projects
Monitoria de Física Geral para Ciências Biológicas Ecologia e Biodiversidade
Processamento Automático de Curvas de Luz para a Identificação de Exoplanetas
Research Projects
Identificação de Exoplanetas utilizando técnicas de Aprendizado de Máquina
2022 - 2023Project participation activities, INSTITUTO LATINO-AMERICANO DE CIÊNCIAS DA VIDA E DA NATUREZA, Engenharia Física.
Research Projects
Influência do comprimento de onda durante a síntese fotoquímica na morfologia e propriedades físicas de nanopartículas de prata.
Extension Activities
Eletroquímica nas escolas.
2021 - 2022Project participation activities, PROEX, .
Research Projects
A Eletroquímica está em suas mãos
2021 - 2022Project participation activities, INSTITUTO LATINO-AMERICANO DE CIÊNCIAS DA VIDA E DA NATUREZA, .
Research Projects
Detecção Automática de Exoplanetas utilizando Algoritmos de Aprendizado de Máquina
2021 - 2021Project participation activities, INSTITUTO LATINO-AMERICANO DE CIÊNCIAS DA VIDA E DA NATUREZA, .
Research Projects
Monitoria Calculo 1 e Matematica Financeira - 2020/1
2020 - 2020Project participation activities, INSTITUTO LATINO-AMERICANO DE CIÊNCIAS DA VIDA E DA NATUREZA, .
Research Projects
Projeto de Monitoria - Matemática Básica

Research Projects
2023 - 2023General Physics Monitoring for Biological Sciences Ecology and Biodiversity
Description: A discipline General Physics Monitoring for Biology at UNILA addresses several fundamental concepts of physics that are relevant to biology students. The course syllabus includes the following topics: Kinematics and Dynamics: Study of movements translational (along a trajectory) and rotational (around a an axis) of bodies. Includes analysis of speed, acceleration and forces that act on objects. Energy: Exploration of energy concepts energy conservation and different energy sources. Understands the relationship between kinetic and potential energy. Thermodynamics: Addresses the temperature, heat and the first law of thermodynamics, which deals with energy conservation in thermal processes. It also explores entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, related to the direction of processes natural. Diffusion and Brownian Motion: Study of movements random particles in suspension due to molecular collisions. This is fundamental to understanding diffusion processes, such as those that occur in biological systems. Radiations: Exploration of the effects biological radiation, including X-rays, which are often used in medical diagnoses. Fluids: Introduction to principles basic principles of fluids, including hydrostatics and hydrodynamics, which are relevant to understanding phenomena such as blood circulation. Electricity and Magnetism: Concepts of electric charge, electric force, electric field, electric potential, electric current and magnetic field. These concepts are fundamental to understanding processes bioelectric and magnetic phenomena. Optics: Introduction to waves electromagnetic, image formation and optical phenomena such as reflection, refraction and diffraction. This is important to understand the vision and other light-related processes in biological systems. This monitoring has aims to provide a solid foundation in physics, covering concepts that can be applied to biology and helping students understand better understand the physical principles underlying biological processes and natural phenomena.
Situation: Concluded; Nature: Other.
Participant Students: Graduation ( 2) / Ph.D. ( 1) .
Participants: Bruno Henrique Dourado Macedo - Participant / Renata Olmedo Benedet - Participant / Rodrigo Santos da Lapa - Co-ordinator.
2022 - 2023Identification of Exoplanets using Machine Learning techniques
Description: The analysis of temporal behavior is a task of growing interest in several areas of knowledge, such as economics (daily stock prices, monthly unemployment rate, industrial production), medicine (electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram), epidemiology (monthly number of new cases of meningitis), meteorology (rainfall, daily temperature, wind speed). The continuous collection of information over time has contributed to the emergence of databases with large volumes of sequential information, which makes their interpretation difficult by humans. When data is collected over time, it can be represented as a time series. The use of analysis methods for the study of events contained in the time series is a non-trivial task that depends on the application domain. In this scenario, approaches based on data mining methods have been widely explored for time series analysis. In this context, this project aims to develop techniques and methods for the intelligent analysis of time series data through pre-processing tasks, similarity measures and machine learning algorithms..
Situation: Concluded; Nature: Research.
Participant Students: Graduation ( 1) / Specialization ( 2) / Master's ( 1) / Ph.D. ( 3) .
Participants: Bruno Henrique Dourado Macedo - Participant / JOYLAN NUNES MACIEL - Participant / BRUNO CÉSAR RIBAS - Participant / EDUARDO SANT'ANA DA SILVA - Participant / MARCELO NEPOMOCENO KAPP - Participant / RAZER ANTHOM NIZER ROJAS MONTANO - Participant / Willian Zalewski - Co-ordinator.
Sponsor(es): Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Scholarship..
2022 - 2023Influence of wavelength during photochemical synthesis on the morphology and physical properties of silver nanoparticles.
Description: Spherical noble metal nanoparticles have a range of applicability due to the dipolar plasmon resonance being in the visible region. The characteristics of this electronic oscillation can be shaped according to the morphology of the nanoparticle. The project aims to sinter silver nanoparticles with different sizes and shapes through photochemical reduction. These particles will be characterized by XRD, TEM, DLS, FTIR, UV-Vis-NIR and refractometer. The obtained behaviors will be used to feed the simulation by FEM, in order to compare experimental results related to heat transport and extrapolation of application of these systems. The samples will finally be applied in prototypes of hybrid solar collectors..
Situation: Concluded; Nature: Extension.
Participant Students: Graduation ( 1) .
Participants: Bruno Henrique Dourado Macedo - Participant / VINICIUS MARIANI LENART - Co-ordinator.
2021 - 2022Electrochemistry is in your hands
Description: Federal universities in Brazil offer many opportunities to students who finish high school courses and who enter. However, most of these students from public and private schools do not know what a University is, much less what they can offer. In this sense, this project aims to bring the university closer to the schools. UNILA's undergraduate courses will be publicized by scholarship students and extension volunteers. Experiments will also be carried out in the area of chemistry, specifically electrochemistry. It will thus stimulate interest in nanomaterial technology and its deepening in undergraduate courses. With this, it is intended to achieve, through didactic teaching, the functioning of batteries to students, establishing everyday relationships, phenomena and concepts involved in electrochemical reactions and environmental problems.
Situation: Concluded; Nature: Extension.
Participant Students: Graduation ( 4) / Ph.D. ( 1) .
Participants: Bruno Henrique Dourado Macedo - Participant / Jose Ricardo Cezar Salgado - Co-ordinator / Jeniffer Ayana De Souza Pires - Participant / Willian Rupolo - Participant / Renata Olmedo Benedet - Participant.
Sponsor(es): Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Scholarship.
S, T & A Production Rate: 2.
2021 - 2022Automatic Exoplanet Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms
Description: The analysis of temporal behavior is a task of growing interest in several areas of knowledge, such as economics (daily stock prices, monthly unemployment rate, industrial production), medicine (electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram), epidemiology (monthly number of new cases of meningitis), meteorology (rainfall, daily temperature, wind speed). The continuous collection of information over time has contributed to the emergence of databases with large volumes of sequential information, which makes their interpretation difficult by humans. When data is collected over time, it can be represented as a time series. The use of analysis methods for the study of events contained in the time series is a non-trivial task that depends on the application domain. In this scenario, approaches based on data mining methods have been widely explored for time series analysis. In this context, this project aims to develop techniques and methods for the intelligent analysis of time series data through pre-processing tasks, similarity measures and machine learning algorithms.
Situation: Concluded; Nature: Research.
Participant Students: Graduation ( 1) / Ph.D. ( 2) .
Participants: Bruno Henrique Dourado Macedo - Participant / JOYLAN NUNES MACIEL - Participant / Willian Zalewski - Co-ordinator.

S, T & A Production Rate: 2.

Areas of Expertise
1. Major Area: Exact and Earth Sciences / Area: Physics / Subarea: Physical Engineering.
2. Major Area: Exact and Earth Sciences / Area: Computer Science / Subarea: Computer Science.
3. Major Area: Exact and Earth Sciences / Area: Astronomy / Subarea: Artificial Intelligence.

Portuguese Comprehends Well, Speaks Well, Reads Well, Writes Well.
Spanish Comprehends Reasonably, Speaks Reasonably, Reads Reasonably, Writes Reasonably.
English Comprehends Reasonably, Speaks Reasonably, Reads Reasonably, Writes Reasonably.

Awards and Titles
2023Best University Extension Projects - Electrochemistry within the reach of society, CREA-PR.
2022Honorable Mention - Electrochemistry Within the Reach of the Whole Society, SIEPE 2022 UNILA.
2022Honorable Mention - Automatic Exoplanet Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms, SIEPE 2022 UNILA.

Scientific, Technological, Artistic and Cultural Production
Bibliographical Production
Expanded Summary published in proceedings of conferences
1. MACEDO, B. H. D. ; ZALEWSKI, W. . Identificação de Exoplanetas utilizando técnicas de Aprendizado de Máquina, 2023, Foz do Iguaçu. 5ª Semana Integrada de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão. Foz do Iguaçu : EDUNILA, 2023. v. 5. p. 58-59.
Summary published in proceedings of conferences
1.   MACEDO, B. H. D. ; SALGADO, J. R. C. ; BENEDET, R. O. . 4th Integrated Teaching, Research and Extension Week, 2022, Foz do Iguaçu. 4ª Semana Integrada de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão. Foz do Iguaçu : EDUNILA ? Editora Universitária da UNILA, 2022. v. 4. p. 413-414.
2. MACEDO, B. H. D. ; ZALEWSKI, W. . 4th Integrated Teaching, Research and Extension Week, 2022, Foz do Iguaçu. 4ª Semana Integrada de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão. Foz do Iguaçu : EDUNILA ? Editora Universitária da UNILA, 2022. v. 4. p. 54-55.
Presentations of Work
1. MACEDO, B. H. D. ; ZALEWSKI, W. . Identificação de Exoplanetas utilizando técnicas de Aprendizado de Máquina. 2023. (Presentation/Seminar).
2.   MACEDO, B. H. D. ; SALGADO, J. R. C. ; BENEDET, R. O. . Electrochemistry is in your hands. 2022. (Presentation/Seminar).
3.   MACEDO, B. H. D. ; ZALEWSKI, W. . Automatic Detection of Exoplanets Using Machine Learning Algorithms. 2022. (Presentation/Seminar).
Technical Production
Other Kinds of Technical Production
1. SALGADO, J. R. C. ; MACEDO, B. H. D. ; RUPOLO, W. ; BENEDET, R. O. . Eletroquímica nas escolas 2021.. 2021. (Radio or TV Program/Other).

Participation in events
1. . 2022. (Participation In Events/ Congresses).
2. SEMANA INTEGRADA DE ENSINO, PESQUISA E EXTENSÃO. Automatic Detection of Exoplanets Using Machine Learning Algorithms. 2022. (Participation In Events/ Seminary).
4. . 2020. (Participation In Events/ Congresses).
5. . 2020. (Participation In Events/ Workshops).
6. . 2019. (Participation In Events/ Congresses).
7. Hardware de fonte aberta: desafios e perspectivas. . 2019. (Participation In Events/ Seminary).
8. 3ª Feira da Física do IFPR-FOZ. . 2017. (Participation In Events/ Seminary).

Other Relevant Information
Volunteer work at the Physical Engineering course exhibition - 4th Integrated Week of Teaching, Research and Extension (SIEPE) at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) 2022. Volunteer work as (President) of the Academic Center for Physics Engineering (CAENFIS) of the University Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) 2022-2023. Volunteer work as (Vice-President) Academic Center for Physics Engineering (CAENFIS) of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) 2021-2022. Volunteer work at the Physical Engineering course exhibition - 5th Integrated Week of Teaching, Research and Extension (SIEPE) at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) 2023.
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